Friday, 04/19/2024

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Releases for Friday 04/27/2018
The packman rpm public keys
Creates a standard DVD with menus from a list of images
Skins for xine-ui
Gtk2-PERL and BASH scripts for archiving and copying DVD content
Manipulate / fetch info from MP3 audio files
Perl extension for reading WMA/ASF Metadata
Fetch info from MPEG-4 files (.mp4, .m4a, .m4p, .3gp)
Burn Data and Create Songs with Interactive Dialog Box
Non-Interactive Video Extraction Utility
An advanced CLI shell script for MEncoder
Menc is an GUI to encode videos with MEncoder and transcode
Font Dialog Widget for Perl/Tk
Convert between DateTime and RFC2822/822 formats
Parse and format W3CDTF datetime strings
Additional Utilities for clive
An advanced CLI shell script for MEncoder
High level API for event-based execution flow control
Parses ISO8601 formats
Find RFC 822 email addresses in plain text
converts plain text to HTML
Automated SIGNATURE testing
Bash Script for Making Sets of Movie Screenshots
Console Frontend to Burn Audio Media
Icons for Psi
A multi-process audio transcoder
A GUI for FFmpeg for audio and video-conversion
Access Ogg Vorbis info and comment fields
Collection of tools to create and manipulate VCLT playlists