Wednesday, 12/18/2024
Search results
Package name Description Last update
2ManDVD Video DVD creation tool Mon 03/14/2011
3dsconv Convert Nintendo 3DS files to the CIA format Wed 01/10/2018
3gpwiz 3gp movie wizard to convert videos to 3gp format Mon 03/14/2011
4pane A multi-pane detailed-list file manager Sun 05/29/2011
a2jmidid A modular multi-system emulator system Sun 12/05/2010
a52dec ATSC A/52 stream decoder library Mon 03/14/2011
aacsupdater Keeps AACS database up-to-date Thu 04/13/2017
aegisub Subtitle editor Thu 02/10/2011
aften A/52 audio encoder - creates stereo and multi-channel audio streams Mon 03/14/2011
agg C++ SVG Rendering Library Wed 07/02/2014
aircrack-ng A set of tools for auditing wireless networks Mon 03/14/2011
alac_decoder A basic decoder for Apple Lossless Audio Codec files Sun 03/31/2013
alsa Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Sat 09/10/2011
alsa-firmware Firmware Data Files for ALSA Sat 09/10/2011
alsa-oss ALSA-OSS Wrapper Sat 09/10/2011
alsa-plugins Extra Plug-Ins for the ALSA Library Sat 09/10/2011
alsa-tools Various ALSA Tools Sat 09/10/2011
alsa-utils Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Utilities Sat 09/10/2011
amarok Media Player for KDE Thu 10/14/2010
amdovdrvctrl Control AMD Catalyst Overdrive settings Thu 04/04/2013
amrnb Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) Speech Codec Mon 03/14/2011